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Beauty from the inside out


How can you become that person who radiates from the inside out? Positive self-talk, self-forgiveness, self-acceptance and self-love are all powerful tools to help you switch on your inner glow. None of these things cost money — just some inner work on your own behalf. 

Positive self-talk

A very powerful way to radiate beauty is to manage your self-talk. If you’re drowning in negativity, insecurity, bitterness and self-pity, your outer beauty will soon catch on and your energy and vibe will be dark and unattractive regardless of how picture perfect you may look on the outside. 

Try mirror work. It will make you squirm and struggle initially and make you feel awkward but with practice the resistance will fade. Try this: Every morning look at yourself in the mirror, really look at yourself and say, “I love you exactly as you are.”

Say positive affirmations every day until they sink in and resonate within every cell of your being. They may sound ridiculous initially, but keep saying them until you absolutely believe them to be true! 


A person with a head full of negativity and unkind thoughts will not have an innate inner-glow. If you don’t deal with your past issues in life, you give them permission to hang around and define you. This will eventually seep through for everyone else to see, regardless of how beautiful you are on the outside. When you allow the wounds of your past to bring you wisdom, courage and strength, and you learn to forgive yourself, and others, you free yourself from fear and anger. There is a lot of positive energy in the act of forgiveness — and positive energy creates true beauty. Opening yourself to the practice of self-forgiveness will elevate your beauty, mood and energy fast. Who do you need to forgive? Is it you or someone else?


Beautiful people don’t just happen. They have often struggled, made mistakes and come from a place of despair. However, they use these hardships to take themselves into a new light by creating and becoming the person they want to be. Self-acceptance teaches you to remove the doubt that likes to remind you of your mistakes and that you are not beautiful enough, not skinny enough, not good enough. It also allows you to let go of trying to meet society’s impossible standards of perfection. 


Self-love is true appreciation for oneself regardless of weaknesses. It doesn’t just happen — you have to create it. Love and respect your body by nourishing it with nutritious food, rest and movement. Set boundaries, know when to say no, and only allow others in your life who positively contribute to your personal growth. People who master self-love are mindful and know what they think, feel and want, rather than allowing others to decide for them.

There will always be someone better looking, thinner, richer and smarter — so stop scrutinizing and comparing yourself to others and embrace who you are, and what you have, flaws and all! It’s not wrinkles and grey hair that make us unattractive, it’s our thoughts and attitude. If your inner and outer are not operating in harmony and with mutual respect for one another, your outer beauty will appear transparent, fake even, and that is not true beauty! 

Looking great on the outside is something we all want and work hard towards, but having priorities and a realness about you, instead of picking up every flaw in the mirror, is a much healthier option. 


All the green juice and superfoods in the world will never replace a happy heart and a calm mind.  Let Ciann show you the secrets of inner beauty along with a proper food program for your constitution and you'll have that inner glow back in no time! 

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